Netprofilen tiedotteet

TomTom tuo markkinoille viisituumaisen rekkanavigaattorin

Kirjoittanut Christina Forsgård | 2.9.2015 6:56

TomTom lanseeraa raskaita ja suuria kulkuneuvoja ammatikseen ajavien tarpeisiin suunnitellun Trucker 5000 -navigaattorin. Navigaattorin tarjoamat reitit ottavat huomioon kulkuneuvon tyypin, koon, painon, kuorman ja nopeuden.

Alkukesästä julkaistun Trucker 6000 -navigaattorin tapaan uusi Trucker 5000 sisältää karttapäivitykset ilman lisäkustannuksia laitteen koko käyttöiän ajaksi. Mukana on myös reaaliaikaiset ruuhka- ja liikennekameratiedot. Navigaattoria voi käyttää myös tavallisessa perheautossa.

Alkuperäinen, englanninkielinen tiedote alla.


Antti Möller, viestintätoimisto Netprofile
044 545 5698

Amsterdam, 2 September 2015  
TomTom (TOM2) today announces an addition to its portable navigation device line-up, specifically for people who drive large vehicles for a living. The compact TomTom TRUCKER 5000, with a 5” screen size, ensures that drivers are on the right road because it includes customised routes for the user’s specific vehicle type, size, weight, cargo and speed.

Through award-winning TomTom Traffic  and advanced routing technology, drivers get a realistic ETA based on vehicle profile and real-time traffic information.

The TomTom TRUCKER informs drivers about traffic and speed cameras  on their route – the information is displayed in the route bar on the device – making users aware of the position of speed cameras, but also where the tail end of a traffic jam begins.

To avoid unnecessary surprises, the TomTom TRUCKER comes with Lifetime  Truck Maps at no extra cost. Users can always drive with the latest truck maps – updated four times per year. Other features include Advance Lane Guidance, which clearly shows which lane to take at junctions, and Speak & Go, which allows the driver to control the device with their voice.

The device has a 5” fully interactive screen – simply pinch, zoom and swipe – and it can be docked and undocked easily with the unique Click & Go magnetic mount.

The TomTom TRUCKER is also designed to be taken out of the professional driving environment and into the family car, thanks to the ability to choose from different vehicle types on the device.

TomTom TRUCKER 5000 is available immediately on the TomTom webstore, as well as at retailers from mid-September at a recommend retail price of EUR 349.99. TomTom also offers a 6” version, the TomTom TRUCKER 6000.

Notes to editors:

TomTom Navigation Software – NavKit

The TomTom TRUCKER 5000 is built around NavKit. NavKit is TomTom's cross-platform navigation software that powers all navigation products we bring to market. This includes Portable Navigation Devices, in-dash automotive systems, smartphone applications and online applications. NavKit provides advanced routing technology, intuitive destination entry and interactive 2D and 3D map visualisation for more than 125 countries. In repeated independent benchmarks, NavKit-powered products outsmart traffic and get you to your destination faster than any other navigation product.

Find out more here

TomTom MyDrive

The TomTom TRUCKER 5000 is compatible with TomTom MyDrive, a website and app designed to seamlessly connect vehicles to the digital world. For the first time, drivers can use their smartphone, tablet or PC to review real-time traffic information, plan routes, and send destinations to their TomTom GO, before they get in their vehicle.

About TomTom

At TomTom (TOM2) our mission is to make technology so easy to use, that everyone can benefit from it.

We created easy to use navigation devices, helping millions of people to get where they want to be. Today, we continue to simplify the complex, making technology more accessible for everyone.

We have four customer facing business units: Consumer, Telematics, Automotive and Licensing.

We make easy to use navigation devices, sport watches and action cameras for consumers. We enable businesses with vehicles to more easily manage and improve fleet efficiency whilst increasing overall business performance with our Telematics solutions. We also offer a world leading real-time map platform that is powering innovative location based services and helping to make automated driving a reality for the automotive industry.

Founded in 1991 and headquartered in Amsterdam, we have 4,200 employees worldwide and sell our products in over 46 countries.